A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


aboutToChoose(IGame) - Method in interface IAboutToChooseActionHandler
Called before IActionHandler#chooseAction is about to be triggered.
AC() - Method in interface IPlayer
Armor class – lower is better.
AC() - Method in interface IItemType
How much the item lowers your AC (lower AC = better).
AC() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Armor class - lower is better
actionChosen(IAction) - Method in interface IActionChosenHandler
Called with the action that was chosen and is about to be triggered.
Actions - Class in bothack.actions
Factories for primitive BotHack actions.
ActionsComplex - Class in bothack.actions
Factories for "smarter" actions with precondition checks and more complex behaviors.
actionTurn() - Method in interface IGame
Return the number of actions performed since the bot started.
Alignment - Enum in bothack.bot
alignment() - Method in interface IPlayer
Returns the player's current alignment.
alignment() - Method in interface IMonsterType
allItems() - Static method in class ItemType
Return the list of all item types in NetHack.
allMonsters() - Static method in class MonsterType
Return the list of all monster types recognized by BotHack.
altarAlignment() - Method in interface ITile
For altars - returns the altar's alignment.
appearances() - Method in interface IItemType
Initial possible appearances of the item.
Apply(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Apply item at given inventory slot.
apply(T) - Method in interface IPredicate
Return true for things you are interested in.
ApplyAt(Character, Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Apply the item in the given direction (if prompted).
areAdjacent(IPosition, IPosition) - Static method in class Position
Ascend() - Static method in class Actions
Go up the stairs or climb a ladder.
at(IPosition) - Method in interface ILevel
Returns the tile at given position on the level.
Attack(Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Force attack in the given direction (NetHack 'F' command).


baseType() - Method in interface IItemType
For artifact items – return the base type.
bothack.actions - package bothack.actions
Things the bot can do.
bothack.bot - package bothack.bot
Representations of elements of the game world.
bothack.bot.dungeon - package bothack.bot.dungeon
Representations of dungeon elements – branches, levels, tiles...
bothack.bot.items - package bothack.bot.items
Representations of items and item types.
bothack.bot.monsters - package bothack.bot.monsters
Representations of monsters and their properties.
bothack.events - package bothack.events
Notifications for things that happen in the game world.
bothack.prompts - package bothack.prompts
Prompts from the game that the bot may have to respond to.
Branch - Enum in bothack.bot.dungeon
branch() - Method in interface ILevel
Returns the branch this level belongs to.
branchEntrance(IGame, Branch) - Static method in class Navigation
Return Dlvl of Branch.MAIN containing the entrance to branch, if static or already visited
BUC - Enum in bothack.bot.items
buc() - Method in interface IItem
Blessedness of the item (if known).
byName(String) - Static method in class ItemType
If the name is a recognized NetHack item returns its IItemType.
byName(String) - Static method in class MonsterType
If the name is a NetHack monster returns its IMonsterType.


canBeSeenByInfravision() - Method in interface IMonsterType
canEat(IItem) - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player can eat the food with no ill effects.
canEatWithBenefit(IItem) - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player can gain intrinsics or stats by eating the corpse.
canEngrave() - Method in interface IGame
True if the player is capable of engraving and is not currently on the plane of air or water.
canEnhance() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if there are skills that can be Enhanced.
canPray() - Method in interface IGame
True if the player can safely pray (95% confidence)
carryingCapacity() - Method in interface IPlayer
How much weight the player can carry before getting burdened.
charges() - Method in interface IItem
Displayed number of charges.
chargeWhat(String) - Method in interface IChargeWhatHandler
Called when the player may choose an item to charge after reading a scroll of charging.
Chat(Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Chat with monster at direction dir.
chooseAction(IGame) - Method in interface IActionHandler
Called when the game state is fully updated and NetHack is expecting a player action.
Close(Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Close a door
Color - Enum in bothack.bot
color() - Method in interface IAppearance
colorAt(IPosition) - Method in interface IFrame
The color of the glyph at given position on the virtual terminal.
conferredResistances() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Intrinsics the player can gain when eating the corpse
contents() - Method in interface IItem
If the item is a container returns the contents.
Contribute(Direction, Long) - Static method in class Actions
Offer a donation to a priest at dir.
cost() - Method in interface IItem
Price demanded at a shop.
create(Long, Long) - Static method in class Position
Make an IPosition with given coordinates.
currentLevel() - Method in interface IGame
Returns the current dungeon level.
cursor() - Method in interface IFrame
Cursor position on the virtual terminal.


deregisterHandler(Object) - Method in interface IBotHack
Deregister a handler that was registered earlier.
Descend() - Static method in class Actions
Go down the stairs or a ladder.
descend(IGame) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
Remove levitation item or Descend.
difficulty() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Difficulty according to NetHack sources
Dip(Character, Character) - Static method in class Actions
Dip item at itemSlot into potion at potionSlot (or a fountain if it is '.')
Direction - Enum in bothack.bot
distance(IPosition, IPosition) - Static method in class Position
Uniform norm distance (steps allowing diagonals).
distanceManhattan(IPosition, IPosition) - Static method in class Position
Manhattan distance (not allowing diagonals).
dlvl() - Method in interface ILevel
Returns the Dlvl string for the level.
dlvlChanged(String, String) - Method in interface IDlvlChangeHandler
Called when the player switches dungeon levels.
doSokoban(IGame) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
Returns an action that will lead to solving the sokoban puzzle or null if sokoban is already solved or given up on.
doTeleport(String) - Method in interface IDoTeleportHandler
Called when the player is prompted whether or not he wants to teleport.
Drop(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Drop one of item at slot.
Drop(Character, Long) - Static method in class Actions
Drop a specific amount of item at slot.
dug() - Method in interface ITile
True if the player dug the tile or it is assumed it has been dug.


Eat(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Eat item at slot.
Eat(String) - Static method in class Actions
Eat item from the ground by label.
enchantment() - Method in interface IItem
Positive or negative enchantment.
Encumbrance - Enum in bothack.bot
encumbrance() - Method in interface IPlayer
Returns the current outstanding encumbrance status (possibly null).
ended() - Method in interface IGameStateHandler
Called when the game ends.
EngraveAppending(Character, String) - Static method in class Actions
Engrave action overwriting the current engraving (if prompted).
EngraveOverwriting(Character, String) - Static method in class Actions
Engrave action appending to the current engraving (if prompted).
engraving() - Method in interface ITile
Returns the text engraved on this tile.
EngravingType - Enum in bothack.bot.dungeon
engravingType() - Method in interface ITile
If there is an engraving returns the longevity type.
Enhance() - Static method in class Actions
Enhance specific skills.
enhanceAll(IGame) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
Enhance any skill that can be enhanced or return null.
enhanceWhat(Map<Character, String>) - Method in interface IEnhanceWhatHandler
Called when the Enhance skill menu appears with a choice of skill to enhance.
erosion() - Method in interface IItem
How corroded/burnt/rusty the item is (0-3).
experienceLevel() - Method in interface IPlayer
The player's level.
explore(IGame, Branch, LevelTag) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to explore the dungeon up to and including the specified level.
explore(IGame, Branch) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to explore the dungeon up to and including end of the given branch.
exploreCurrentLevel(IGame) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to explore the current level and items or null if it seems fully explored.
exploreLevel(IGame, Branch, String) - Static method in class Navigation
Unless the specified level already seems fully explored, returns an action to go to that level or explore it.
exploreLevel(IGame, Branch, LevelTag) - Static method in class Navigation
Unless the specified level already seems fully explored, returns an action to go to that level or explore it.


Feature - Enum in bothack.bot.dungeon
feature() - Method in interface ITile
The dungeon feature present on this tile or null.
firstWalkedTurn() - Method in interface ITile
First game turn the tile has been stepped on.
ForceLock() - Static method in class Actions
Use current weapon to force a lock on a container.
foundItems(List<IItem>) - Method in interface IFoundItemsHandler
Called every time the player encounters items on his current tile and in containers on the tile.
frame() - Method in interface IGame
Returns the last snapshot of the virtual terminal screen.
fullFrame(IFrame) - Method in interface IFullFrameHandler
Called when the frame on screen is fully drawn – the cursor is on the player, the map and status lines are completely drawn.


game() - Method in interface IBotHack
Returns the current game state snapshot.
genocideClass(String) - Method in interface IGenocideHandler
Called when the player can choose a class of monsters to genocide.
genocided() - Method in interface IGame
Returns the set of monster types and classes that have been genocided in the game.
genocideMonster(String) - Method in interface IGenocideHandler
Called when the player can choose a single monster type to genocide.
getBranch(Branch) - Method in interface IDungeon
Returns the Dlvl => ILevel map for the branch, if it was already visited and recognized.
getDisplayedStr() - Method in interface IPlayer
The displayed value of strenght – may be something like 18/10 or 18/**
getKeyword() - Method in enum NavOption
getKeyword() - Method in enum Color
getKeyword() - Method in enum Direction
getKeyword() - Method in enum Branch
getKeyword() - Method in enum EngravingType
getKeyword() - Method in enum Feature
getKeyword() - Method in enum LevelTag
getKeyword() - Method in enum RoomType
getKeyword() - Method in enum HaveOption
getKeyword() - Method in enum Intrinsic
getKeyword() - Method in enum Stat
getLevel(Branch, String) - Method in interface IDungeon
Returns a level by Branch and Dlvl, if such was already visited.
getLevel(Branch, LevelTag) - Method in interface IDungeon
Returns a level by Branch and tag, if such was already visited and identified.
getStat(Stat) - Method in interface IPlayer
Get the effective integer value of stat.
glyph() - Method in interface IAppearance
glyph() - Method in interface IItemType
Glyph representation of the item type.
glyphAt(IPosition) - Method in interface IFrame
The glyph at given position on the virtual terminal.
gold() - Method in interface IGame
How much gold the player is carrying in total (including bagged gold).
goldAvailable() - Method in interface IGame
How much gold the player is carrying in main inventory.


handler(IBotHack) - Method in interface IAction
Retuns null or an event/prompt handler that will be registered just before executing the action and deregistered when the next action is chosen.
hasAltar() - Method in interface ILevel
True if the level contains an altar.
hasBoulder() - Method in interface ITile
True if there appears to be a boulder on the tile.
hasDiggableFloor() - Method in interface ILevel
True if the level floor can be dug through (until proven otherwise).
hasDrowningAttack() - Method in interface IMonsterType
hasElbereth() - Method in interface ITile
True if there is an undamaged Elbereth engraving on the tile.
hasHands() - Method in interface IPlayer
False when polymorphed into a handless or limbless monster.
hasHands() - Method in interface IMonsterType
hasHurtLegs() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player has wounded legs.
hasIntrinsic(Intrinsic) - Method in interface IPlayer
Returns true if the player has the given intrinsic.
hasJustMoved() - Method in interface IMonster
True if the monster moved in the last turn
hasLycantrophy() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is a were-something.
hasNewItems() - Method in interface ITile
True if items on the tile seem to have changed since it was last examined.
hasShop() - Method in interface ILevel
True if the level contains a shop.
hasTemple() - Method in interface ILevel
True if the level contains a temple.
have(IPredicate<IItem>, HaveOption...) - Method in interface IGame
Return an inventory slot-item pair of an item accepted by a custom predicate.
have(String, HaveOption...) - Method in interface IGame
Return an inventory slot-item pair of an item with the given name.
haveAll(IPredicate<IItem>, HaveOption...) - Method in interface IGame
Return all inventory slot-item pairs of items accepted by a custom predicate.
haveAll(String, HaveOption...) - Method in interface IGame
Return all inventory slot-item pairs of items with the given name.
haveLevitationItemOn() - Method in interface IGame
Returns the slot-item pair of a levitation item currently in use (or null)
HaveOption - Enum in bothack.bot
HP() - Method in interface IPlayer
The amount of hit points remanining.
Hunger - Enum in bothack.bot
hunger() - Method in interface IPlayer
Returns the current hunger status (possibly null).


IAboutToChooseActionHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Called before IActionHandler#chooseAction is about to be triggered.
IAction - Interface in bothack.actions
Representation of a primitive BotHack action.
IActionChosenHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Called with the action that was chosen in response to IActionHandler.chooseAction(bothack.bot.IGame) and is about to be triggered.
IActionHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
This is the most crucial interface to implement in your bot (in one or more registered handlers).
IAppearance - Interface in bothack.bot
Immutable representation of a virtual terminal character.
IBotHack - Interface in bothack.bot
The root of BotHack functionality.
IChargeWhatHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player may choose an item to charge after reading a scroll of charging.
identifyPossibilities(IItem) - Method in interface IGame
Returns the list of possible item types for the item considering the current game discoveries.
identifyType(IItem) - Method in interface IGame
Returns IItemType with properties of the item that can be determined considering the current game discoveries.
identifyWhat(Map<Character, String>) - Method in interface IIdentifyWhatHandler
Called when the player can choose items to identify.
IDirectionHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when a direction prompt is presented to the player.
IDlvlChangeHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Called when the player switches dungeon levels.
IDoTeleportHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player is prompted whether or not he wants to teleport.
IDungeon - Interface in bothack.bot.dungeon
Immutable representation of the dungeon level tree.
IEnhanceWhatHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the Enhance skill menu appears with a choice of skill to enhance.
IFoundItemsHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Called every time the player encounters items on his current tile and in containers on the tile.
IFrame - Interface in bothack.bot
Immutable representation of a 80x24 virtual terminal.
IFullFrameHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Called when the frame on screen is fully drawn – the cursor is on the player, the map and status lines are completely drawn.
IGame - Interface in bothack.bot
Immutable representation of the game state at some point.
IGameStateHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Notification of game start or end.
IGenocideHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player can choose monsters to genocide.
IIdentifyWhatHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player can choose items to identify.
IItem - Interface in bothack.bot.items
Immutable representation of an item.
IItemType - Interface in bothack.bot.items
Representation of item "prototypes" of all kinds.
IKnowPositionHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Called when the cursor is on the player – besides full frames this also occurs on location prompts.
ILevel - Interface in bothack.bot.dungeon
Immutable representation of a dungeon level with its inhabitants.
ILevelTeleportHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player can choose a level to teleport to.
IMakeWishHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player can make a wish.
IMonster - Interface in bothack.bot.monsters
Immutable representation a monster on a level.
IMonsterType - Interface in bothack.bot.monsters
Immutable representation of one of the 375 NetHack monsters.
IMultilineMessageHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Called when a fullscreen message is presented to the player.
Intrinsic - Enum in bothack.bot
inventory() - Method in interface IPlayer
The player's inventory.
IOfferHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player can choose the amount of gold to offer.
IPayDamageHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player is asked to pay damage caused in the shop.
IPlayer - Interface in bothack.bot
Immutable representation of player-related state and functionality.
IPosition - Interface in bothack.bot
Immutable representation of a position on the screen.
IPredicate<T> - Interface in bothack.bot
Custom filter function.
IReallyAttackHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when you move towards a peaceful monster.
IRedrawHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Called every time the screen contents change.
isAmphibious() - Method in interface IMonsterType
isArtifact() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item is an artifact.
isArtifact() - Method in interface IItemType
True if the item type is an artifact.
isAwake() - Method in interface IMonster
True if the monster was seen moving.
isBelowCastle() - Method in interface IGame
True when the player is below the castle or on the right side of the castle moat.
isBelowMedusa() - Method in interface IGame
True when the player is below the medusa's level or on the right side of the island.
isBlind() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is blinded.
isBlindExternally() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is blinded by a cream pie or venom.
isBlocked() - Method in interface ITile
True for tiles where navigation failed many times due to a stubborn peaceful monster.
isBurdened() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is burdened or worse.
isCharged() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item is not known to be empty.
isContainer() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item may contain other items.
isCorpse() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item is a monster's corpse.
isCorpseFresh(IPosition, IItem) - Method in interface IGame
Corpse freshness tracker – checks if the corpse at given position is likely good to eat.
isCorrosive() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Does the monster corrode weapons passively?
isCovetous() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Monsters that will teleport to the upstairs to heal and steal artifacts.
isDizzy() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is confused or stunned.
ISeducedHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when a succubus or an incubus makes a request.
ISellItHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when you drop an item in a shop and the shopkeeper is interested in buying it.
isEngravable() - Method in interface ITile
True if it is possible to engrave on this tile by some means.
isEngulfed() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is engulfed by a monster.
isEnteringShop(IGame) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns true if the player is just about to enter a shop and should not pick up pickaxes.
isFixed() - Method in interface IItem
True for rustproof/fireproof/fixed items.
isFlying() - Method in interface IMonsterType
isFollower() - Method in interface IMonsterType
isFriendly() - Method in interface IMonster
True for tame monsters
isGuard() - Method in interface IMonsterType
True for the minetown watch and vault guards
isHostile() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Is the monster always hostile when generated? A peaceful or tame instance of this monster can still exist.
isHuman() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Killing humans has a penalty for lawfuls, as does cannibalism
isHungry() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is hungry or worse.
isIll() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is deathly sick (including food poisoning).
isInGehennom() - Method in interface IGame
Gehennom including the valley excluding Vlad's – prayers will be redirected to Moloch
isInUse() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item is worn or wielded.
isMimic() - Method in interface IMonsterType
isMindless() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Mindless monsters can't be seen by telepathy
isNasty() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Corresponds to a NetHack monster flag
isOverloaded() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is overloaded.
isOvertaxed() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is overtaxed or worse.
isPassive() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Does the monster lack active attacks?
isPeaceful() - Method in interface IMonster
True for peaceful monsters
isPoisonous() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Does the monster have a poisonous corpse?
isPriest() - Method in interface IMonsterType
isRecharged() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item has been recharged.
isRemembered() - Method in interface IMonster
True if the monster is not currently known to be there.
isRider() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Riders of the apocalypse on Astral
isSafe() - Method in interface IItemType
If true generally won't cause any immediate bad effects upon use.
isSafeToEnchant() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item can be safely enchanted.
isSessile() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Sessile monsters don't move at all.
isShopkeeper() - Method in interface IMonsterType
isStackable() - Method in interface IItemType
True if items of this type may stack.
isStatDrained() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player has restorable drained stats.
isStoning() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is about to turn into stone.
isStrained() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is strained or worse.
isStressed() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is stressed or worse.
isStrong() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Corresponds to a NetHack monster flag
isStunned() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is stunned.
IStopEatingHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player is close to dying from overeating.
isTrap() - Method in interface ITile
True if the tile has a trap.
isTrapped() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the player is stuck in a trap.
isTwohanded() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item requires both hands to wield.
isTwohanded() - Method in interface IItemType
True if the item requires both hands to wield.
isUndead() - Method in interface IMonsterType
isUnique() - Method in interface IMonsterType
isVibrating() - Method in interface ITile
True for the vibrating square.
isWeak() - Method in interface IPlayer
True if the hunger status is WEAK or worse
isWerecreature() - Method in interface IMonsterType
isWielded() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item wielded by the player.
isWorn() - Method in interface IItem
True if the item worn by the player.
ITeleportWhereHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when the player can teleport in a controlled way.
ItemKind - Enum in bothack.bot.items
items() - Method in interface ITile
Items laying on the ground on the tile
ItemSubtype - Enum in bothack.bot.items
ItemType - Class in bothack.bot.items
Factory and utility functions for item types.
ITile - Interface in bothack.bot.dungeon
Immutable representation of a tile of the dungeon.
IToplineMessageHandler - Interface in bothack.events
Called when a message appears on the top line (without --More-- if any).
IVaultGuardHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when a guard finds the player in a vault.
IWhichRingFingerHandler - Interface in bothack.prompts
Called when you can choose which hand to put a ring on.


Kick(Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Kick in the given direction.
kick(IGame, Direction) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
Kick in the given direction if the player is capable of kicking and there don't seem to be heavy objects.
kind() - Method in interface IItemType
Returns the item category.
knowContents() - Method in interface IItem
False if the item is a container with unknown contents.
knowIdentity(IItem) - Method in interface IGame
Returns true if the IItemType for the item can be determined unambiguously from current discoveries (the item is identified for practical purposes).
knowPosition(IFrame) - Method in interface IKnowPositionHandler
Called when the cursor is on the player – besides full frames this also occurs on location prompts.


label() - Method in interface IItem
How the item appears in the inventory.
lastKnown() - Method in interface IMonster
Turn number when the monster was last seen or otherwise known.
lastPath(IGame) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns the intended path of the last performed action – if it was generated by some of the methods of this class.
lastWalkedTurn() - Method in interface ITile
Last game turn the tile has been stepped on.
leadsTo() - Method in interface ITile
For visited stairs or portals - returns the target branch.
LevelTag - Enum in bothack.bot.dungeon
leveltele(String) - Method in interface ILevelTeleportHandler
Called when the player can choose a level to teleport to.
line(Long) - Method in interface IFrame
The row of text at the given y-coordinate on the virtual terminal.


makeUse(IGame, Character) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
If it is possible for the player, use the item at slot in the usual way: This means wearing armor (removing any blocking armor) or putting on jewelry.
makeWish(String) - Method in interface IMakeWishHandler
Called when the player can make a wish.
maxHP() - Method in interface IPlayer
The maximum amount of hit points.
maxPW() - Method in interface IPlayer
The maximum amount of magic power.
MC() - Method in interface IItemType
Magic cancellation – how well the item protects against magical attack effects
message(String) - Method in interface IToplineMessageHandler
Called when a message appears on the top line (without --More-- if any).
messageLines(List<String>) - Method in interface IMultilineMessageHandler
Called when a fullscreen message is presented to the player.
monster() - Method in interface IItemType
For corpses, tins, eggs, statues and figurines may return the monster type if known.
monsterAt(IPosition) - Method in interface ILevel
Returns the monster representation at the given position.
monsters() - Method in interface ILevel
Returns the map of all monsters known or remembered to be on the level.
MonsterType - Class in bothack.bot.monsters
Factory and utility functions for item types.
Move(Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Move or attack in the given direction.
MR() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Magic resistance


name() - Method in interface IItem
The stripped base name of the item.
name() - Method in interface IItemType
Name of the item type.
name() - Method in interface IMonsterType
Name of the monster type
navigate(IGame, IPosition, NavOption...) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns the shortest path to the given target and an action to perform to move along it.
navigate(IGame, IPosition, long, NavOption...) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns the shortest path to the given target and an action to perform to move along it.
navigate(IGame, IPredicate<ITile>, NavOption...) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns the shortest path to a matching target and an action to perform to move along it.
navigate(IGame, IPredicate<ITile>, long, NavOption...) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns the shortest path to a matching target and an action to perform to move along it.
Navigation - Class in bothack.actions
Utility functions for navigation and dungeon exploration.
Navigation.IPath - Interface in bothack.actions
Representation of a navigation result.
NavOption - Enum in bothack.actions
neighbors(IPosition) - Method in interface ILevel
Returns the list of tiles on the level adjacent to position pos.
neighbors(IPosition) - Static method in class Position
Returns a list of valid adjacent positions.
nickname() - Method in interface IPlayer
Name displayed on the status line.
nutrition() - Method in interface IItemType
For edible items.
nutrition() - Method in interface IMonsterType


of(IPosition) - Static method in class Position
Strip the given IPosition map of all keys except :x and :y.
Offer(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Offer item at slot as sacrifice.
Offer(String) - Static method in class Actions
Offer item from the ground by label.
offerHowMuch(String) - Method in interface IOfferHandler
Called when the player can choose the amount of gold to offer.
Open(Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Open a door


path() - Method in interface Navigation.IPath
The list of positions that are going to be stepped on along the way towards target.
payDamage(String) - Method in interface IPayDamageHandler
Called when the player is asked to pay damage caused in the shop.
PickUp(List<String>) - Static method in class Actions
Pick up all items in the list by label.
PickUp(String) - Static method in class Actions
Pick up all of item by label.
player() - Method in interface IGame
Returns the player representation.
polymorphed() - Method in interface IPlayer
Returns the monster type into which the player is currently polymorphed.
Position - Class in bothack.bot
Position factory and utility functions.
possibilities() - Method in interface IItem
Returns the list of all possible item types for the item without considering the current game context (discoveries).
Pray() - Static method in class Actions
#pray action.
pray(IGame) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
Pray if it is likely to succeed, otherwise returns null.
previousGamestate() - Method in interface IGame
Returns the IGame snapshot from previous action turn.
price() - Method in interface IItemType
Base price for items of this type.
protection() - Method in interface IPlayer
How many times the player bought divine protection.
PutIn(Character, Character, Long) - Static method in class Actions
Put amount of item at itemSlot into the container at bagSlot.
PutIn(Character, Character) - Static method in class Actions
Put all of item at itemSlot into the container at bagSlot.
PutOn(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Put on item at slot (for jewelry).
PW() - Method in interface IPlayer
The amount of magic power.


Quaff(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Drink a potion at slot.
quantity() - Method in interface IItem
For stackable items.


Read(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Read scrolls or spellbooks.
reallyAttack(String) - Method in interface IReallyAttackHandler
Called when you move towards a peaceful monster.
recharges() - Method in interface IItem
Displayed number of recharges.
redraw(IFrame) - Method in interface IRedrawHandler
Called every time the screen contents change.
registerHandler(Object) - Method in interface IBotHack
Register a custom handler with the default priority.
registerHandler(Integer, Object) - Method in interface IBotHack
Register a custom handler with the specified priority.
Remove(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Remove item at slot (for jewelry).
removeUse(IGame, Character) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
If it is possible for the player, stop using the item at slot.
replaceHandler(Object, Object) - Method in interface IBotHack
Replace a handler that was registered earlier (with the same priority).
resistances() - Method in interface IMonsterType
respectsElbereth() - Method in interface IMonsterType
room() - Method in interface ITile
If the tile is in a recognized room returns the room type.
RoomType - Enum in bothack.bot.dungeon
Rub(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Rub a lamp at slot.


score() - Method in interface IGame
Return the current game score.
Search() - Static method in class Actions
Search the around the current tile once.
Search(Long) - Static method in class Actions
Shorthand for searching multiple times
searchCurrentLevel(IGame) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to explore or search the current level or null if the first round of searching is already done.
searchCurrentLevelRepeatedly(IGame) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to explore or search the current level repeatedly.
searched() - Method in interface ITile
Number of times the tile has been searched (est.)
seducedPuton() - Method in interface ISeducedHandler
Called when a succubus or an incubus makes a request to put on a ring.
seducedRemove() - Method in interface ISeducedHandler
Called when a succubus or an incubus makes a request to remove your clothing.
seek(IGame, IPosition) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to look for the specified tile on the current level or null if already standing at a matching tile.
seek(IGame, IPredicate<ITile>) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to look for the specified tile on the current level or null if already standing at a matching tile.
seekBranch(IGame, Branch) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to look for the specified branch or null if already there.
seekInterlevel(IGame, IPredicate<ITile>, long) - Static method in class Navigation
Intralevel navigation to the nearest matching tile.
seekInterlevel(IGame, IPredicate<ITile>) - Static method in class Navigation
Interlevel navigation to the nearest matching tile.
seekInterlevelUpwards(IGame, IPredicate<ITile>) - Static method in class Navigation
Like Navigation.seekInterlevel(IGame, IPredicate) but will only change levels upwards and avoid subbranches.
seekInterlevelUpwards(IGame, IPredicate<ITile>, long) - Static method in class Navigation
Like Navigation.seekInterlevel(IGame, IPredicate) but will only change levels upwards and avoid subbranches.
seekLevel(IGame, Branch, String) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to go to the specified level or null if already there.
seekLevel(IGame, Branch, LevelTag) - Static method in class Navigation
Returns an action to go to the specified level or null if already there.
seesInvisible() - Method in interface IMonsterType
sellIt(Integer, String) - Method in interface ISellItHandler
Called when you drop an item in a shop and the shopkeeper is interested in buying it.
sinkGaveFoocubus() - Method in interface ITile
For tiles with the SINK feature - true if kicking it already yielded a succubus or an incubus.
sinkGavePudding() - Method in interface ITile
For tiles with the SINK feature - true if kicking it already yielded a pudding.
sinkGaveRing() - Method in interface ITile
For tiles with the SINK feature - true if kicking it already yielded a ring.
Sit() - Static method in class Actions
Sit down (only useful on thrones).
speed() - Method in interface IMonsterType
How often the monster gets a turn - larger is better
started() - Method in interface IGameStateHandler
Called when the game starts.
Stat - Enum in bothack.bot
step() - Method in interface Navigation.IPath
The next action that will lead towards reaching the target.
stopEatingHandler(String) - Method in interface IStopEatingHandler
Called when the player is close to dying from overeating.
subtype() - Method in interface IItemType
Armor slot or item category.


TakeOff(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Take off item at slot (for armor).
TakeOut(Character, String) - Static method in class Actions
Take out all of item with label itemLabel from container at bagSlot.
TakeOut(Character, String, Long) - Static method in class Actions
Take out amount of item with label itemLabel from container at bagSlot.
target() - Method in interface Navigation.IPath
The target tile position.
teleportWhere() - Method in interface ITeleportWhereHandler
Called when the player can teleport in a controlled way.
Throw(Character, Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Throw item at slot in direction dir.
title() - Method in interface IPlayer
Title displayed on the status line.
towards(IPosition, IPosition) - Static method in enum Direction
trigger() - Method in interface IAction
Returns the string to write to NetHack to trigger the action.
turn() - Method in interface IGame
Return the number of game turns passed since the bot started.
type() - Method in interface IItem
Returns properties of the item that can be determined without the current game context (discoveries).
type() - Method in interface IMonster
Type of the monster if known, else null


unbag(IGame, Map.Entry<Character, IItem>) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
If the slot of the item MapEntry is a bag, take one of item out of the bag, otherwise returns null.
Unlock(Character, Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Use key, lockpick or credit card at slot to unlock a door.
untrapMove(IGame) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
Move in any direction to escape a trap.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum NavOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Color
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Branch
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum EngravingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Feature
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum LevelTag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum RoomType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Encumbrance
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum HaveOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Hunger
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Intrinsic
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum BUC
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ItemKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ItemSubtype
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Stat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum NavOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Color
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Branch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum EngravingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Feature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum LevelTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum RoomType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Encumbrance
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum HaveOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Hunger
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Intrinsic
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum BUC
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ItemKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ItemSubtype
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Stat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
visitBranch(IGame, Branch) - Static method in class Navigation
If the specified branch has never been visited, returns the action to navigate to it and possibly explore it until identified.
visitLevel(IGame, Branch, String) - Static method in class Navigation
If the specified level has never been visited, returns the action to navigate to it.
visitLevel(IGame, Branch, LevelTag) - Static method in class Navigation
If the specified level has never been visited, returns the action to navigate to it.


Wait() - Static method in class Actions
Do nothing in the next turn.
wantPriceId(IItem) - Method in interface IGame
True if trying to buy or sell the item would help its identification.
wasSeen() - Method in interface ITile
True if the player was adjacent to the tile when not blind.
wasTried(IItem) - Method in interface IGame
True if trying to use the item may help with identification.
Wear(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Wear item at slot (for armor).
weight() - Method in interface IItemType
How much the item weights.
weightSum() - Method in interface IGame
Estimate of the sum of weight of all carried items.
whatDirection() - Method in interface IDirectionHandler
Called when a direction prompt is presented to the player.
whichFinger(String) - Method in interface IWhichRingFingerHandler
Called when you can choose which hand to put a ring on.
whoAreYou(String) - Method in interface IVaultGuardHandler
Called when a guard finds the player in a vault.
Wield(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Wield item at slot as a weapon.
wield(IGame, Character) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
If it is possible for the player, wield item at slot as a weapon, otherwise returns null.
wielding() - Method in interface IPlayer
The slot-item pair for item wielded in hand.
Wipe() - Static method in class Actions
Wipe own face.
withoutLevitation(IGame, IAction) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
Action modifier – if the player is levitating, replaces the given action with removal of the levitation item, otherwise returns the action unmodified.
withReason(IAction, String) - Static method in class ActionsComplex
Action modifier – attach a human-understandable reason to the given action.


x() - Method in interface IPosition
X coordinate on the screen – 0 to 79


y() - Method in interface IPosition
Y coordinate on the screen – 1 to 21


ZapWand(Character) - Static method in class Actions
Zap a known non-directional wand.
ZapWandAt(Character, Direction) - Static method in class Actions
Zap a wand in the given direction (if prompted for a direction).